The rest of the day I was reading a book by Sidney Sheldon "Tell me your dreams".
Oh, today... Today was a really good day. I had a quite day at my work in spite of the fact I was sent to take our magazines to our clients as nobody else could do it, because they were very busy guarding our boss. The rest of the day I was reading a book by Sidney Sheldon "Tell me your dreams". I've managed to read it up to the end and it greatly impressed me. I've decided to write in ENGLISH, as it's really easier for me to think in this language, it is really nearere to me. There is only one problem with it - my spelling, I ALWAYS DO A LOT OF MISTAKES, and I an trying to improve it and to be more attentive to eat. I also want to improve my blind-method of typing by excersing it, but, unfortunately I don't have enough time for it. I am going to continue learning German, I understand that I really need this language...
From time to time I think that I am very stupid, I can sit for a long time just sitting and looking into the space, and when I return to my present I understand that either I am foolish or just there is somebody else inside myself - may be my alter ago. Now I want it badly to start learning psychology... I want to study now, strange for me...
But I can't help loving myself... If you want someone to love you, you should love yourself at first, so do I...
And now I need, I really need somebody's support, attention to my personality and a little piece of love, I don't ask too much... I am sick and tired of what I have to listen to from my parents, I want another life, I am ready for it...
А так же :
О концептуальных основах религиозной ситуации
Выдрина Г.А. г.Ханты-Мансийск Концепция в ее минимальном варианте определяется как система взглядов или положений, принципов, целей, задач и организационно-управленческих мер, определяющая тот или иной взгляд на рассматриваемое явление. В концепции происходит описание реальности, характеристика некоторого объекта с использованием определения ряда применяемых терминов.
Онлайн покер-рум
Гейне (Хейне) Генрих (Heine Heinrich) (1797г. - 1856г.) - немецкий поэт, публицист, критик. Родился Генрих Гейне 13 декабря 1797 в Дюссельдорфе, в небогатой еврейской семье купца Самсона Гейне. По окончании Дюссельдорфского лицея, отец поместил Генриха в одну из франкфуртских банкирских контор для изучения вексельного дела, а затем - приказчиком в бакалейный склад.