A graduate in economics or related field with the Ph.D. or M.A. degree from a university

A graduate in economics or related field with the Ph.D. or M.A. degree from a university in the United States, Canada, or Western Europe, or from a U.S.-accredited program in Central or Eastern Europe1.--1. Forschungsstip. AUCA, Bishkek o.D.
2. PhD Geschichtswiss. , Hull 31.05.10
3. Forschungsstip. Geistes-/Sozialwiss ., Wien 30.05.10
4. PhD Stip. Geschichts-/ Sprachwiss. , Freiburg 11.06.10
5. Forschungsstip. versch. Disz., Bukarest 15.05.10
6. DAAD Postgrad. Stip. versch. Disz., DE 31.07.10
7. Postgrad. Stip. versch. Disz., OME/OE 22.05.10
8. PhD Geschichtswiss. /Soziologie, Bielefeld 6.06.10
9. Postgrad. Stip. arab. Studien, Edinburgh 15.05.10
10. Forschungsstip. Geschichte OE, Potsdam 12.06.10
11. PhD Stip. Linguistik/Geschich tswiss., Goettingen/Osnabrue ck 10.06.10
12. PhD Stip. Filmwiss., Portsmouth 31.05.10
13. PhD Politikwiss. , Wien 31.05.10
14. PhD Stip. versch. Disz., Daenemark o.D.
15. PhD Geschichtswiss. , Basel 1.06.10
16. Forschungsstip. Geschichte OE, Jena 21.06.10
17. PhD Stip. Bildungsforschung, Lueneburg 28.05.10

1. Forschungsstip. AUCA, Bishkek o.D.

Visiting Research Fellow, Social Research Center, American University of Central Asia, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
Position: Visiting Research Fellow
Host institution: Social Research Center at American University of
Central Asia (www.src.auca. kg)
Period: From 1 months to 1 year
The Social Research Center (SRC) at American University of Central Asia (AUCA) is pleased to offer interested scholars (PhD students and post-doctoral fellows only) the opportunity to conduct research within the framework of its Visiting Research Fellowship Program at our Bishkek-based research center in Kyrgyzstan. The SRC is an integral part of AUCA, with the mission to promote long-term development of the principles and practice of democracy, rule of law, and social equality in Kyrgyzstan and Central Asia through carrying out research and
policy analysis.
Advantages and opportunities of the Foreign Research Fellowship Program at the SRC:
- Ideal surroundings: work and conduct research at one of the leading universities in Central Asia, internationally recognized as a university based on the American liberal arts tradition of free and critical inquiry.
- Beneficial support: benefit from interaction with the AUCA faculty members, local/foreign scholars and students.
-Valuable networking: use our networking capacities to establish contacts with local research institutions, universities, local scholars, non-governmental organizations and governmental agencies in Kyrgyzstan.
- Perfect working conditions: SRC will provide access to Internet, computers, printing, copying, faxing, and the university library resources.
Research Areas
The SRC is broadly interested in the political and social development of Kyrgyzstan, with a particular focus on the following areas:
- Migration: The impacts of external and internal migration on economic and social development (Kyrgyzstan and other Central Asian countries)
- Corruption (Kyrgyzstan)
- Islam: political and social aspects (Kyrgyzstan and other Central Asian countries)
- Development of civil society in Kyrgyzstan
Interested scholars should
- Be PhD students or post-doctoral fellows
- Offer a research project related to the research interests of SRC
- Be willing to submit a research paper every 1-2 months of Fellowship at SRC
Period: From one month to one year
Number of Fellowships: SRC can host up to five Research Fellows at a time.
How to apply
- Fill out the application form posted on the "Research Fellowship" section at www.src.auca. kg
- Send the filled out application form, your CV, and any other information related to your application to:
Ms. Ainura Asamidinova
Research Projects Officer
Social Research Center
American University of Central Asia
205 Abdumomunov Street ,
Bishkek , Kyrgyzstan , 720040
or apply by e-mail: asamidinova_ a@mail.auca. kg
Please note that your application will be considered by the SRC within 2-3 weeks
For further information
- If you are interested in finding out more information about current and previous activities of the SRC, please refer to our website: www.src.auca. kg
- If you would like to find out more about American University of Central Asia, please refer to: www.auca.kg
- For further inquires or information on your application status, please contact Ms. Ainura Asamidinova at: asamidinova_ a@mail.auca. kg
The SRC provides the following logistical support:
- assistance in arranging visas
- support in finding accommodation in Bishkek.
- support in arranging airport pick-up.
Unfortunately, the SRC does not have the capacity to cover travel, accommodation, health insurance or any other related expenses.
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2. PhD Stip. Geschichtswiss. , Hull 31.05.10

University of Hull, Hull/GB, 01.10.2010-30. 09.2013
Bewerbungsschluss: 31.05.2010
The Department of History at the University of Hull welcomes applications under the current PhD Studentship Scheme operated through the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. There are ten full-time doctoral studentships available for UK and EU applicants and seven bursaries for international applicants from outside UK and EU.
The home/EU studentships provide 13,490 a year for three years, depending on satisfactory progress. Funding for conference attendance will also be available. The international bursaries will cover full tuition fees for full-time overseas students for three years subject to satisfactory progress.
Further details are available at http://www2. hullac.uk/ pg/phd.aspx
Applications will be judged competitively within the Faculty, and the Department of History welcomes applications in any field of its research interests (for more information see:
http://www2. hull.ac.uk/ fass/history_ hull/research. aspx).
For further information on this and the Department's postgraduate programmes please contact the postgraduate co-ordinator, Dr Julian Haseldine (j.p.haseldine@ hull.ac.uk), or the co-ordinator of the MA in Early Modern History, Dr Thomas Biskup (t.biskup@hull. ac.uk).
For the first step of the application process, only a CV and short project outline will be required. For details see:
http://www2. hull.ac.uk/ fass/fass/ students/ postgraduates/ phd-studentships .aspx
The closing date for applications is 31 May 2010.
Dr Thomas Biskup
University of Hull
Department of History
Hull HU6 7RX
Phone: +44-(0)1482- 465178
Homepage <http://www2.>
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3. Forschungsstip. Geistes-/Sozialwiss ., Wien 30.05.10

Grant Period: October 2010 until January 2011 (incl.)
Target group:
Eligible candidates for the grant are students who are enrolled in a master- or PhD-programme at their home-universities and are working on their diploma-/master- or PhD-thesis. During their stay at the University of Vienna the successful candidates should do intensive scientific research and participate in the academic life of the respective Department of the University of Vienna. The continuous presence of the grant-holders in Vienna during the grant-period is therefore required.
Requirements and Qualifications:
- Excellent academic performance
- Good command of English and/or German
- A specific research project in the subject area of History, philology or political sciences for the grant-period at the University of Vienna
Documents required for application:
- Detailed description of the scientific project that should be carried out during the stay at the University of Vienna.
- Motivation letter in which the candidate explains why he/she would like to do his/her research work at the University of Vienna and how he/she thinks to take part in the academic life of the University of Vienna.
- A letter of recommendation
- Detailed CV with postal delivery-address, Email-address and telephone number.
- Proof of English and/or German /copies of certificates or confirmation of the supervisor of the master- or doctoral thesis or proof of the participation in a study-programme held in German or English or proof of a longer stay in a Germa/English speaking country
- Transcript of records or copy of the graduation certificate
- Copy of passport
Selection procedure:
An expert-group of the Osteuropaforum at the University of Vienna will make a ranking-list of the candidates and propose it to the Vice Rector for Educational Program Development and Internationalizatio n for the final decision. The candidates will be informed about the results of the selection.
The successful candidate(s) will get a grant of EUR 1000.- per month for 4 months each to cover all living costs during the stay at the University of Vienna. No travel costs will be reimbursed.
Terms of application, submission of application: Applications have to be sent via e-mail, fax or by post until latest 30th of May 2010 (date of e-mail and postmark) to:
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Oliver Schmitt
E-Mail: oliver.schmitt@ univie.ac. at
Institut fr Osteuropische Geschichte
1090 Wien, Spitalgasse 2, Hof 3 (Campus)
T: +43-1-4277-411 18
F: +43-1-4277-9 411
If the application is carried out by post [if any of the necessary documents can not be scanned, they must be sent by post or by fax], an announcement of the application by email until latest 30th of May 2010 is indispensable! !!
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4. PhD Stip. Geschichts-/ Sprachwiss. , Freiburg 11.06.10

Promotionskolleg Geschichte und Erzhlen, Albert-Ludwigs- Universit t
Freiburg, Freiburg, 01.10.2010-30. 09.2012
Bewerbungsschluss: 11.06.2010
Die Albert-Ludwigs- Universit t Freiburg vergibt im Rahmen des interdisziplin ren Promotionskollegs "Geschichte und Erzhlen" zum 1. Oktober 2010 bis zu 2 Promotionsstipendie n (vorbehaltlich der Mittelbewilligung) nach den Richtlinien des Landesgraduiertenf rderungsgesetzes (1000,- Euro pro Monat, Laufzeit zwei Jahre mit der Mglichkeit der Verlngerung um ein weiteres Jahr).
Den thematischen Kern des Kollegs bildet die Auseinandersetzung mit den verschiedenen Formen der Vergangenheitsrepr sentation, mit Aspekten des Erzhlens im Verhltnis zu Geschichte und Historiographie sowie mit Fragen, die Antike und Moderne in Verbindung setzen. Derzeit arbeiten dazu DoktorandInnen aus den Fchern Geschichte, Grzistik, Anglistik, Germanistik, Romanistik, Slavistik, Philosophie und Klassische Archologie. BewerberInnen aus benachbarten Disziplinen sind ausdrcklich willkommen.
Das Promotionskolleg bietet im Rahmen der Internationalen Graduiertenakademie eine neuartige Form des Promovierens:
- wissenschaftlicher Austausch in einem interdisziplin ren Kollegiaten- Netzwerk
- Fachaustausch mit beteiligten Professoren und deren Mitarbeitern
- Mitgestaltung der Lehrveranstaltungen durch die Kollegiaten
- intensive Betreuung durch zwei Professoren
- strukturiertes Curriculum mit regelmigen Kolloquien
- jhrlich stattfindende Sommerakademie mit nationalen und internationalen Experten
- Hochschuldidaktisch es Angebot und Mglichkeit der eigenen Lehrerfahrung
- Mglichkeit, im Rahmen eines Praktikums Berufserfahrung zu sammeln
- Kostenlose Workshops im Bereich Management, Kommunikation & EDV
- Teilnahme an internationalen Graduiertenseminare n
- Auslandsaufenthalte sind ausdrcklich erwnscht
Voraussetzung fr die Gewhrung eines Stipendiums:
- ein berdurchschnittlich er Studienabschluss.
- die Bewerber und Bewerberinnen sollten zum Zeitpunkt der Bewerbung in der Regel nicht lter als 28 Jahre sein.
Bitte reichen Sie zur Bewerbung folgende Unterlagen ein:
- Anschreiben
- Lebenslauf
- Zeugnisse
- Gutachten von zwei HochschullehrerInne n, die die wissenschaftliche Eignung besttigen
- Expos von max. zehn Seiten (Begrndung des Themas und seines Zusammenhangs mit der einschlgigen Forschung, Ausarbeitung der wesentlichen Problem- und Fragestellungen, methodische berlegungen zur Durchfhrung der Arbeit, Gliederung der Arbeit, Zeitplan und
Literaturverzeichni s)
Komparatistische und/oder interdisziplin re Anstze sind besonders willkommen.
Internationale BewerberInnen sind ausdrcklich erwnscht.
Die Bewerbungen sind bis zum 11. Juni 2010 in schriftlicher Form zu richten an die Sprecherin des Promotionskollegs:
Prof. Dr. Monika Fludernik
Englisches Seminar
Albert-Ludwigs- Universit t Freiburg
Kollegiengeb ude IV
Rempartstr. 15
D-79085 Freiburg i. Br.
Bei Rckfragen wenden Sie sich bitte bevorzugt per E-Mail an den Koordinator des Promotionskollegs:
Thomas Bauer, M.A.
E-Mail: Thomas.Bauer@ anglistik. uni-freiburg. de
Website: http://www.zam- promotionskolleg .uni-freiburg. de
Thomas Bauer
Rempartstr. 15
79098 Freiburg
Thomas.Bauer@ anglistik. uni-freiburg. de
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5. Forschungsstip. versch. Disz., Bukarest 15.05.10

Grants for foreign researchers
The programme is dedicated to academic improvement, aiming undergraduate and graduate students (MA and PhD) who prepare their final papers (dissertations, theses). The selection is performed by an independent committee of professionals, based on an application file that must contain, among other papers, a reference letter from the supervisor of the BA or MA dissertation or doctoral thesis.
Deadline for submitting the applications: May 15th 2010
The documentation and research period have to be ended until December 31st, 2010.
Grant's value: 3 495 euros/person
The field for which the evaluation and selection is performed: collecting reference materials and research
ICR awards 5 grants on a yearly basis.
Length of the grant: 3 months
Required application papers:
- application form;
- resume;
- project's description;
- 2 reference letters (one from the supervisor and the second one from another professor, preferably an academic specialized on the proposed topic);
- Copies of one the studies published in the last two years in a scientific review;
- The period for which the grant application is made
The address for submitting the documents:
Institutul Cultural Romn, Aleea Alexandru nr. 38, sector 1, Bucure ti.
Ruxandra Sighina
031 7100 675
http://www.icr. ro/bucharest/ scholarships- and-residencies/ grants-for- foreign-research ers.html
The members of the committee:
Professor Alexandru Barnea, PhD
Professor Radu Carp, PhD
Assistant Professor Liviu Chelcea, PhD
Assistant Professor Victor Rizescu, PhD
Professor Cornel Codi&# 259;, PhD
Assistant Professor Victoria Aram, PhD
The criteria of evaluating and selection:
1. Project: maximum score = 80
- Targets, scientific newness, backing information
- Arguments, structure of the topic
- Relevancy of the documentation in Romania and of the outcome
- Relevancy from the perspective of its connection with Romania
2. CV and REFERENCES: maximum score = 20
- The level of proficiency
- Scientific works
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6. DAAD Postgrad. Stip. versch. Disz., DE 31.07.10

From among the large number of postgraduate courses offered by German institutions of higher education, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) supports a carefully chosen selection of programmes of particular interest to junior executives from developing countries.
These degree courses, which consist of one to two years of concentrated study, provide young, academically- trained professionals in leading positions from developing countries with the opportunity to engage in postgraduate education and training in their particular field or profession. At present, postgraduate courses are offered in the following fields:
- Economic Sciences / Business Administration / Political Economics
- Development Co-operation
- Engineering and Related Sciences
- Mathematics
- Regional Planning
- Agriculture and Forest Sciences
- Environmental Sciences
- Medicine and Public Health
- Veterinary Medicine
- Social Sciences, Education and Law
The courses are open to all eligible candidates. Applications are welcomed from professionals with personal financial resources, from those who are funded by their government or company, or from those who are recipients of financial support from international sponsoring organisations. In addition, a limited number of full and partial DAAD-scholarships are available.
Target group
The programme is designed for students from developing countries as well as for students from the EU and other developed countries who have a special interest in the economic challenges facing developing and transition countries.
Statement of motivation:
Applicants must submit a statement of motivation explaining why they are interested in attending a particular postgraduate course with reference to their current employment.
Application formalities:
If you have no private financial resources or cannot obtain a scholarship from your government, company or an international organisation, you may apply for a DAAD scholarship - either full or partial. DAAD application forms are available from the German embassies, one of the DAAD offices abroad or directly at the University or Fachhochschule.
Please note: Scholarships cannot be awarded without the official DAAD application form. Many courses, however, have their own forms, which must be submitted in addition to this (see details under course description) .
Applicants are requested to state whether they will be financing the desired degree course themselves or whether the course can only be taken with the assistance of a DAAD scholarship. Chances of admission to postgraduate courses will be greatly enhanced for academically
qualified applicants with personal financial resources.
New application deadlines for DAAD-scholarships:
- At the German embassies and/or at the DAAD regional offices: 31 July (Please ask about possible modifications in your home country!)
- At the DAAD section 431 in Bonn/Germany: 31 August
- At the respective universities in Germany: 15 October (normally, please check description for detailed information) The application deadlines at the respective universities may vary from course to course. Please check the relevant deadlines in this booklet.
IMPORTANT: Late applications cannot be considered!
The relevant institution of higher education decides on admission to the postgraduate course and simultaneously submits a proposal for the allocation of scholarships. The final decision on the allocation of scholarships is made by the DAAD. Please note that the selection process at all postgraduate courses listed in this booklet will last from the end of October until February.
List of the required documents (in the stated order)
- DAAD application form
(http://www.daad. de/imperia/ md/content/ en/deutschland/ formulare/ forschungsstipen dium_en.pdf)
- hand-signed CV (please use the europass specimen form at http://europass. cedefop.europa. eu/)
- hand-signed letter of motivation (with reference to current occupation)
- research expos (if required by university)
- academic letter/s of recommendation from your university; the letter must have a signature and office stamp and must be of recent date (not in a sealed envelope)
- professional letter/s of recommendation from your employer; the letter must have a signature and office stamp and must be of recent date (not in a sealed envelope)
- confirmation of employment from the employer in your home country and if possible, a guarantee of re-employment upon your return home
- Proof of language abilities: English – IELTS or TOEFL (Note: Institutional TOEFL will not be accepted); German - if available
- certified copies of awarded academic degrees
- certified copies of academic transcripts
- certified copy of School Leaving Certificate
Download DAAD Scholarship Brochure
http://www.daad. de/westbank_ gaza/Broschuere- 2011-12-kfunnema nn-1270736617367 .pdf
http://www.daad. de/imperia/ md/content/ entwicklung/ hochschulen/ ast/innen_ postgraduate_ courses_2011- 12.pdf
Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst
German Academic Exchange Service
Ref. 431
P.O. Box 20 04 04
D-53134 Bonn
Fax: +49-(0)228-882- 662
e-mail: info-ast[at] daad.de
Website: www.daad.de/ development
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7. Postgrad. Stip. versch. Disz., OME/OE 22.05.10

Postgraduate Fellowships for Western-Educated Economists returning to Central and Eastern Europe
CERGE-EI Foundation provides fellowships for economists who obtained their Ph.D. and/or M.A. in the United States or Western Europe and who are assuming a full-time academic position in any country in Central and Eastern Europe (including the countries of the former Soviet Union). The purpose of the fellowship is to make academic careers in the post-communist countries more attractive for such graduates by providing supplemental income that should bridge the gap between academic and private sector salaries. The fellowship also provides a set of services designed to improve the academic environment for the fellow.
The donor who provided funding for the fellowships has a desire to improve the quality of economics education in Central and Eastern Europe. Young graduates from North American or Western European universities who accept academic positions in the region are essential to that purpose. The Postgraduate Fellowship program was established in 2007, initially for Ph.D. graduates from CERGE-EI in Prague. Starting in 2009, the fellowships have been extended to graduates from any university in the Western academic world.
The fellowship is $7,200 per year and is guaranteed to be provided for 3 years. If the program receives sufficient funding in the future, the fellowships may be renewed. The fellowship is over and above the salary paid by the university where the fellow will teach.
The fellowships provide additional benefits from CERGE-EI:
- Access to services of the CERGE-EI English Department and the possibility to publish papers in the CERGE-EI working paper series on same terms as the faculty.
- Access to the resources of CERGE-EI library, including on-line resources.
- Invitation to spend 2 months a year at CERGE-EI in Prague as a visiting researcher. For residents outside of the Prague area, the fellowship will also cover reasonable accommodation costs.
- The applicant must be either
-- A graduate in economics or related field with the Ph.D. or M.A. degree from a university in the United States, Canada, or Western Europe, or from a U.S.-accredited program in Central or Eastern Europe1.
-- A near-graduate from such a program who expects to defend the thesis within one year of submitting the application.
- At the time of application, the applicant must either hold a full-time academic position at any non-profit (private or public) university in any Central or Eastern European country, or must have pre-arranged for a full-time position starting no later than October 2010.
- The applicants' academic position must include a teaching load of at least 3 economics courses (broadly defined) per academic year.
Selection criteria: All else equal, the preference is given to
- Applicants with a Ph.D. degree over M.A. degree.
- Applicants who will teach a greater number of undergraduate courses with large enrollment.
- Applicants graduating from higher-ranked universities.
- Applicants assuming positions at universities where their presence is likely to make the greatest positive impact on the university.
- Applicants about to begin their academic careers.
Administration of the fellowships:
- The application form is provided below. Applications should be submitted to Libor Dusek with a cc: to Michael Jetton. The deadline is May 22, 2010 for fellowships starting in Fall 2010.
- Enclose the following items along with the application:
-- CV
-- A letter or email from the Dean or Department Chair from the proposed university confirming the job offer and describing the proposed teaching program. A copy of the employment contract can be submitted instead.
-- A letter of recommendation from the thesis chair (NOTE: this should be sent directly to CERGE-EI by the thesis chair).
- If the confirmation of employment cannot be submitted by May 20, please explain the reason and indicate when it may be provided. If awarded, the fellowship cannot be paid without documenting employment at the university.
- A selection committee composed of three CERGE-EI officials will select the fellows and notify all applicants by June 15.
- Each September the fellow must submit a report to the CERGE-EI Foundation on his/her academic accomplishments during the past academic year, the courses taught, students enrollments, and his/her contacts with CERGE-EI including the potential research visit.
- The fellowships will be paid in 2 equal installments on October 31 and April 30 each year for applicants employed for the full academic year. Applicants who do not hold the academic position at the time of application will receive the first payment only after they assume the position.
- Fellows who have not completed their degree by the time of the application must provide evidence of completion by June 30, 2011. If not, the fellowship payments will be suspended until the completion of the degree.
- Fellowships will be paid in USD by wire transfer to a bank account specified by the fellow. Taxes due on the fellowship, if any, are the responsibility of the fellow.
- The fellow must notify the Foundation about any major changes in his/her employment status. The fellowship will be discontinued when the fellow leaves the academic sector.
Application form:
http://www.cerge- ei.cz/foundation /postgraduate/ PGF%20web% 202008%20applica tion.doc
Current Postgraduate Fellows
Anna Bogomolova (Ph.D. CERGE-EI 2009), Novosibirsk State University
Inna Cabelkova (Ph.D. CERGE-EI 2001), Faculty of Humanities, Charles
University in Prague
Karel Janda (Ph.D. CERGE-EI 1996), Faculty of Social Sciences,
Charles University in Prague
Dmitri Kolyuzhnov (Ph.D. CERGE-EI 2008), Novosibirsk State University
Katarina Svitkova (Ph.D. CERGE-EI 2007), Anglo-American University in Prague
General questions: Libor Dusek, Ph.D., Mentor for the Teaching
Fellowships Program, CERGE-EI libor.dusek[ at]cerge- ei.cz
Fellowship contracts, payments, reporting: Michael Jetton,
Administrator of the Teaching Fellowships Program, CERGE-EI Foundation
michael.jetton@ cerge-ei. cz
http://www.cerge- ei.cz/foundation /postgraduate/
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8. PhD Geschichtswiss. /Soziologie, Bielefeld 6.06.10

Bielefeld Graduate School in History and Sociology, Bielefeld University, Germany, 01.10.2010
Bewerbungsschluss: 06.06.2010
Supported by the Excellence Initiative, the Bielefeld Graduate School in History and Sociology has been established as a joint institution of the Department of History and the Department of Sociology at Bielefeld University. The Graduate School is offering with effect from 1 September 2010
2 Doctoral Research Grants
(reference number 2010-01)
for research projects with a theme chosen by the applicant. The doctoral grants will be awarded for 2 years with option of a following 12 months Writing Up Grant.
Requirements: Applications are invited from graduates who plan to acquire a doctoral degree (Dr. phil.) with a clear historical or sociological focus. The doctoral grants are offered within the framework of the International Doctoral Programme in History and the International Doctoral Programme in Sociology at Bielefeld University. Applicants should hold an excellent degree in a humanities or social science subject, preferably history, sociology, social anthropology or political science.
Applications: Applicants are asked to submit a statement of motivation (max. 400 words), a proposal for a research project (max. 4,000 words), a CV, all de-gree documents and the names and addresses of two academic referees.
All applications should reach the Bielefeld Graduate School in History and Sociology online (www.uni-bielefeld. de/bghs/stipendi en) by 6 June 2010. Please use the above mentioned website for details on the electronic application process. Please also note that the Graduate School will not consider applications sent by mail.
For more information on the Graduate School's Programme please visit www.uni-bielefeld. de/bghs. If you have any questions, please contact the administrative office of the Bielefeld Graduate School in History and Sociology: bghs@uni-bielefeld. de.
Dr. Karen Holtmann
Bielefeld University, BGHS, Universittsstra e 25
D-33615 Bielefeld
+49 521 106-6523
bghs@uni-bielefeld. de
Homepage <http://www.uni->
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9. Postgrad. Stip. arab. Studien, Edinburgh 15.05.10

University of Edinburgh Post-Graduate Studentships
Application deadline: May 15, 2010
The Centre for the Advanced Study of the Arab World (CASAW) at the University of Edinburgh is pleased to invite applications for the following postgraduate studentships:
- One 1-yr Masters + 3-year PhD Studentship
- One 2-yr Masters Studentship
The 1+3 studentship will be available to an outstanding student who wishes to undertake doctoral study at the Centre for the Advanced Study of the Arab World, University of Edinburgh, starting in September 2010. The studentship may be split up into a one-year Masters award and 3-year PhD award to accommodate the applicant pool. Applications will be accepted from students intending to study any aspect of the Arab world (including, but not limited to: history, politics, religion, anthropology, international relations).
The 2-year Masters studentship will be available to an outstanding student who wishes to undertake the 2-year Masters degree in Arab World Studies at the University of Edinburgh starting in September 2010. This degree comprises 8 months in Edinburgh dedicated to intensive study of the Arabic language and training in research methods followed by 4 months at an institution in the Arab world. The second year of the programme is done at Edinburgh and includes further Arabic language training, discursive courses and a dissertation.
The above studentships will include a stipend of c. 13,000 per annum and cover the cost of
home/EU tuition fees. Applicants must fulfil the University's home fee requirements. Please see
the following website for clarification:
http://www.ed. ac.uk/studying/ postgraduate/ fees-finance/ fee-status.
Please submit an application for study via the following link
http://www.ed. ac.uk/studying/ postgraduate/ applying
and indicate in your application that you wish to apply for CASAW funding and include a CV, covering letter, and 2 academic references. If applying for doctoral funding, submit a research proposal of 2000 words.
If you have further questions, please contact the CASAW Administrator (admin@casaw. ac.uk).
Please note that in addition to the above studentships, a limited number of awards will be
available at CASAW's partner universities, the University of Manchester and Durham University. For information about these awards, contact the CASAW Administrator (admin@casaw. ac.uk).
Further information about CASAW is available at
http://www.casaw. ac.uk/.
Application deadline: May 15, 2010.
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10. Forschungsstip. Geschichte OE, Potsdam 12.06.10

Zentrum fr Zeithistorische Forschung, 14467 Potsdam
Bewerbungsschluss: 12.06.2010
The Zentrum fr Zeithistorische Forschung (ZZF) in Potsdam, Germany, is pleased to invite applications for a
for the academic year 2010/2011 to study German and European History in the 20th century. This six-month fellowship will provide young scholars from East Central Europe and the former Soviet Union with an opportunity to pursue individual research while participating in the academic life of one of Germany's major historical research centres.
Founded in 1992, the ZZF covers a broad scope of Contemporary European History with five research departments:
1. Communism and Society
2. Economic and Social Changes in the 20th Century
3. Changing Concepts of the Political
4. Regimes of the Social Sphere. Urban Society, Welfare State and Rationalization in the 20th Century
5. Contemporary History of the Media and Information Society.
The ZZF library holds approx. 75,000 items and subscribes to more than 100 periodicals. Since January 2009 the ZZF is a full member of the Leibniz-Gemeinschaf t (WGL).
Applicants must have at least postdoctoral status with a significant academic record. They are expected to pursue their own research. However applicants whose interests relate to projects of the major research groups at the ZZF will be preferred. Further details on the research areas at the ZZF can be found at www.zzf-pdm. de. Fellowship holders will be assigned to a research group and asked to present their current project in a seminar or colloquium.
The monthly fellowship rate for the YOUNG EASTERN EUROPEAN FELLOWSHIP will be EUR 2,500. The funding is supposed to cover all expenses including housing and insurance. Fellows are expected to reside in Berlin or Potsdam for six consecutive months between October 2010 and June 2011. The ZZF will provide office space and other relevant facilities.
The application deadline is June 12, 2010. Decisions will be announced not later than July 16, 2010. Applications must include
- a letter of interest;
- a curriculum vitae (including a list of publications) ;
- a project proposal not exceeding 1500 words;
- a letter of recommendation.
Please send applications electronically in PDF or Word format to Dr Achim Saupe (saupe@zzf-pdm. de) or by mail to:
Dr Achim Saupe
Zentrum fr Zeithistorische Forschung
Am Neuen Markt 1
14467 Potsdam
The letter of recommendation should be sent under separate cover. For further questions about the fellowship program please contact Dr Achim Saupe (saupe@zzf-pdm. de).
Dr Achim Saupe
Zentrum fr Zeithistorische Forschung
Am Neuen Markt 1
14467 Potsdam
Homepage <http://www.zzf->
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11. PhD Stip. Linguistik/Geschich tswiss., Goettingen/Osnabrue ck 10.06.10

14 Promotionspl tze, davon 8 mit einem Lichtenberg- Promotionsstipendiu m (Germanistik, Romanistik, Anglistik/ Amerikanistik, Philosophie, Theologie und Geschichtswissensch aft) - Georg-August- Universit t Gttingen/ Universitt Osnabrck, Gttingen
Im interdisziplin ren, interuniversit ren Promotionsprogramm "Theorie und Methodologie der Textwissenschaften und ihre Geschichte (TMTG)" sind ab dem 1. Oktober 2010 fr eine Dauer von drei Jahren zu vergeben:
14 Promotionspl tze, davon 8 mit einem Lichtenberg- Promotionsstipen dium
Ausstattung der aus Mitteln des Landes Niedersachsen finanzierten Stipendien: 1.400 Euro im Monat plus 100 Euro Sachkosten und ggf. Familien- oder Kinderzuschlag.
Das Promotionsprogramm wird von den Universitten Gttingen und Osnabrck parittisch getragen. Es frdert innerhalb eines Fcherverbundes von Germanistik, Romanistik, Anglistik/Amerikani stik, Philosophie, Theologie und Geschichtswissensch aft Dissertationen, die Grundproblemen der Analyse literarischer Texte in systematischer und/oder wissenschaftshistor ischer Perspektive gewidmet sind.
Einsendeschluss der Bewerbungen: 10.06.2010
Genauere Hinweise zur Ausschreibung, der thematischen Ausrichtung des Programms und den Bedingungen einer Bewerbung unter
www.textwissenschaf ten.de.
Prof. Dr. Christoph Knig (Universitt Osnabrck)
Prof. Dr. Simone Winko (Universitt Gttingen)
http://www.textwiss enschaften. de
Bewerbungsschluss: 10.06.2010
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12. PhD Stip. Filmwiss., Portsmouth 31.05.10

The Centre for Cultural and Creative Research (CCCR) at the University of Portsmouth is offering three fully funded PhD studentships. Each relate to aspects of the relationship between television and film culture in Britain:
a) Channel Four Television: Film Policy and Programming
b) Film Four: A Critical Survey of Sponsored Feature Films
c) BBC Films: A Critical Survey
The first two are funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council as part of the project 'Channel 4 Television and British Film Culture' (http://www.port. ac.uk/research/ cccr/projects/ c4_bfc/). The third is funded by CCCR.
Deadline for all applications is 31 MAY 2010.
Full details concerning contact details, eligibility criteria and the application process can be found at http://www.port. ac.uk/research/ cccr/opportuniti es.
Brief descriptions of these opportunities:
a) Channel Four Television: Film Policy and Programming
This PhD will provide an institutional study of Channel 4's evolving film policy in terms of its original remit, commissioning ethos and key innovations, and will produce a survey of its provision for film programming. The study affords considerable scope for the student to develop comprehensive expertise in a case study of contemporary media policy. The role would suit a post-graduate student who has an interest and/or experience in television history or media policy, and who is keen to develop research skills in archival work, experience in interview techniques and expertise in digital data-handling.
b) Film Four: A Critical Survey of Sponsored Feature Films
This PhD will build on existing literature in the field to produce an analytical survey of Channel 4's commissioned output of original feature films, combining close analysis of key texts with archival research on production and critical and popular reception. This project presents the opportunity to produce a comprehensive critical account of the output of a major sponsor in British film culture. The role would suit a post-graduate student who has an interest and/or experience in British cinema history or film studies, and who is keen to develop research skills in archival work, experience in interview techniques and expertise in digital data-handling.
c) BBC Films: A Critical Survey
This PhD will produce an analytical survey of the output of BBC Films from the 1980s onwards. It will consider policy, personnel and commissioning strategies, and will present a series of case studies of original feature films sponsored for television broadcast and cinema release. This project offers scope to produce the first comprehensive account of BBC Films output in relation to British film culture of the period. The role would suit a post-graduate student who has an interest and/or experience in British cinema history or film studies, and who is keen to develop research skills in archival work and experience in interview techniques.
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13. PhD Politikwiss. , Wien 31.05.10

The Department of Political Science, Institute for Advanced Studies in Vienna, offers a three-year postgraduate program aiming to explore the logic of political contestation in this setting of increasingly interwoven levels of governance. The students are required to develop and carry out a PhD project on an issue related to the theme of the program. In addition to proposals addressing the multi-level nature of political contestation in contemporary Europe. The comparative projects focusing on politics at either the EU or the domestic levels alone are also accepted.
Besides pursuing their individual PhD projects, students are expected to participate in seminars held by the teaching staff of the Department and by international visiting professors. These seminars aim to provide thorough training in quantitative and qualitative methods and research design, central theories and approaches of comparative politics, and key issues of multi-level politics in contemporary Europe. The postgraduate program in political science offers a wide range of advantages:
- A well-established system of internal coaching to support students in developing and completing their PhD projects;
- Excellent research facilities, including office space, modern IT equipment, library services, and academic support;
- Unique opportunities to meet and discuss with internationally- renowned visiting professors;
- Access to the full range of lectures and workshops taking place at the IHS.
- applicants with Master's degree in Political Science or other disciplines relevant to the program (degrees should be received by October 2010);
- excellent command of the English language is essential since the working language of the program is English.
- Successful candidates will have access to fully-equipped office space at the institute and enjoy the full range of IHS support services;
- 8 fellowships of 850 Euro per month (tax-free), but participation in the program is also possible for a limited number of additional students with alternative sources of funding.
Application procedure
All interested interested applicants should submit:
1. the application from;
2. the motivation letter;
3. a current curriculum vitae;
4. a dissertation outline (6-10 pages);
5. scans of relevant academic certificates (BA, MA, MSc, Diploma etc.).
All the mentioned documents need to be submitted to the Department's administrative manager Elisabet Torggler at: office.pol@ihs. ac.at
The closing date is 31st May 2010.
Interviews with shortlisted candidates will take place in mid-June 2010.
http://www.ihs. ac.at/vienna/ IHS-Departments- 2/Political- Science-1/ Postgraduate- Program.htm
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14. PhD Stip. versch. Disz., Daenemark o.D.

Denmark warmly welcomes highly qualified and motivated students from all over the world. A number of scholarships are therefore offered each year by the Danish Ministry of Education to fund students from countries outside the European Union/ European Economic Area. The scholarships can be awarded for a full degree programme or for part of a degree programme at undergraduate level.
The procedures vary depending on your nationality. Students from outside the EU/EEA should note that they have to apply for the residence permit in their home country. There are also certain financial requirements attached to the process. You can find more information about residence permit in English on the home page of the Danish Immigration Service.
http://www.scholar- guide.com/ the-ministry- of-education- scholarship- scheme-for- non-eu-countries /
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15. PhD Geschichtswiss. , Basel 1.06.10

Universitt Basel / Graduiertenschule Geschichte Basel, Basel,
01.09.2010-31. 08.2011
Bewerbungsschluss: 01.06.2010
Startstipendien der Graduiertenschule Geschichte Basel / Basel Graduate School of History
Die Graduiertenschule Geschichte Basel vergibt auf den 1. September 2010 drei einjhrige Startstipendien je 21'000 Fr. (ca. 14'500 Euro). Die Stipendien dienen der Untersttzung junger Graduierter whrend der Startphase des Doktorats, in welcher die Stipendiaten ein Forschungsprojekt ausarbeiten und sich mit diesem beim Schweizerischen Nationalfonds oder bei einer anderen Frderinstitution bewerben.
Erwartet wird eine hohe Motivation, als aktives Mitglied der Graduiertenschule Geschichte Basel ein eigenstndiges, mehrjhriges Forschungsprojekt durchzufhren und sich in die wissenschaftlichen Debatten innerhalb und ausserhalb des Historischen Seminars einzubringen. Die Stipendien richten sich an Studierende, die ber einen Masterabschluss oder ein Lizentiat in Geschichtswissensch aften verfgen und an diejenigen, die bis zum 31. August 2010 ber einen solchen werden. Erwnscht sind Dissertationsvorhab en mit Anschlussfhigkeit an die am Historischen Seminar Basel vertretenen Bereiche.
Deadline: 1. Juni 2010.
Interessierte knnen ihre Bewerbung auf folgender Seite eingeben:
http://histsem. unibas.ch/ graduiertenschul e/ausschreibung- startstipendien/
Zudem sind folgende Unterlagen in elektronischer Form an den Koordinator der Graduiertenschule Geschichte Basel, Dr. Roberto Zaugg, einzureichen:
- Motivationsschreibe n
- Lebenslauf (ggf. mit Publikationsliste)
- Abschlusszeugnis oder Auszug aus dem Studienregister
- 1-2 Textproben (mind. 1 wissenschaftliche Qualifikationsarbei t)
- Skizze zum Dissertationsvorhab en (max. 3 Seiten) oder ggf. eine ausfhrliche Absichtserkl rung, in einem bestimmten Forschungsbereich ein solches erarbeiten zu wollen (max. 2 Seiten)
These documents may be submitted as well in English.
Nhere Ausknfte erteilt Dr. Roberto Zaugg (Koordinator der Graduiertenschule Geschichte) unter graduiertenschule. geschichte@ unibas.ch.
Roberto Zaugg
Historisches Seminar
Hirschgsslein 21, 4051 Basel, Schweiz
+41 (0)61 295 95 58
+41 (0)61 295 96 40
graduiertenschule. geschichte@ unibas.ch
Homepage: http://histsem. unibas.ch/ graduiertenschul e/
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16. Forschungsstip. Geschichte OE, Jena 21.06.10

Historisches Institut der Universitt Jena, Jena, 01.01.2011
Bewerbungsschluss: 21.06.2010
An der Friedrich-Schiller- Universit t Jena soll aus Mitteln des BMBF vorbehaltlich der Bewilligung voraussichtlich zum 1. Oktober 2010 das
Imre Kertsz Kolleg Jena "Europas Osten im 20. Jahrhundert. Historische Erfahrungen im Vergleich" eingerichtet werden.
Das Kolleg will einen Ort vergleichender Forschung schaffen und das wissenschaftliche Gesprch ber die historische Erfahrung des stlichen Europas im 20. Jahrhundert auf neue Grundlagen stellen. Herausgelst aus den nationalen geschichtspolitisch en Debatten soll es Freirume fr wissenschaftliche Forschungen bieten, die neue Erkenntnisse zu zentralen Bereichen der Geschichte des europischen Ostens erwarten lassen.
Vorbehaltlich der Bewilligung sind zum 1. Januar 2011 zehn Fellowships [Reg. Nr. 41/2010] fr die Dauer von bis zu einem Jahr an herausragende Wissenschaftler/ innen aus dem Bereich der Geschichte des stlichen Europas und benachbarter Fcher zu vergeben. Die Fellowships dienen der Durchfhrung einer greren wissenschaftlichen Arbeit, die mit dem Profil des Kollegs korrespondiert. Fr die Dauer des Fellowships besteht Prsenzpflicht in Jena. Die Vergtung orientiert sich an der akademischen Position im Heimatland.
Fr nhere Informationen siehe
http://www2. uni-jena. de/philosophie/ histinst/ osteuropa/
Bewerbungen mit Lebenslauf, Schriftenverzeichni s und einer Skizze des geplanten Forschungsvorhabens mit Zeitplan (5 bis maximal 8 Seiten) werden bis zum 21. Juni 2010 erbeten an:
Prof. Dr. Joachim v. Puttkamer
Historisches Institut der FSU Jena
Frstengraben 13
07743 Jena
Subject to approval, the Friedrich-Schiller- Universit t Jena, supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, plans to establish the Imre Kertsz Kolleg Jena "Eastern Europe in the 20th Century. Historical Experience in European Perspective"
The planned research center shall conduct comparative research and aims to provide a new basis for the scholarly reflection on the historical experience of Eastern Europe during the 20th Century. Detached from the political debates within the region itself, the research group will open up spaces for scholarly projects that promise new insight into central problems of the history of Eastern Europe.
Subject to approval, the planned research center will be able to invite ten research fellows [Reg. Nr. 41/2010] to Jena as from January 1, 2011, for a period of up to one year. The fellowships are designed for outstanding scholars doing research on the modern history of Eastern Europe or related fields. The fellows are expected to conduct a larger scholarly project that corresponds to the profile of the research group.
They are expected to take their residence at Jena. Funding will be provided according to the academic position at the home institution. For further information see
http://www2. uni-jena. de/philosophie/ histinst/ osteuropa/
Applications including a curriculum vitae, a list of publications and a draft of the research project (up to 8 pages) are invited until June 21, 2010 to:
Prof. Dr. Joachim v. Puttkamer
Historisches Institut der FSU Jena
Frstengraben 13
D-07743 Jena
Prof. Dr. Joachim v. Puttkamer
Historisches Institut der Universitt Jena
Frstengraben 13
07743 Jena
Joachim.Puttkamer@ uni-jena. de
Homepage: http://www2. uni-jena. de/philosophie/ histinst/ osteuropa/
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17. PhD Stip. Bildungsforschung, Lueneburg 28.05.10

1 Promotionsstipendiu m - Fachgebiet Historisch- Empirische Bildungsforschung - Leuphana Universitt Lneburg, Lneburg
Die Graduate School der Leuphana Universitt Lneburg vergibt
(1.300 Euro monatlich, bis zu 3 Jahre)
zum nchstmglichen Zeitpunkt in der folgenden Fakultt und dem folgenden Fachgebiet:
Fakultt Bildungs-, Kultur- und Sozialwissenschafte n:
Historisch-Empirisc he Bildungsforschung
Bewerbungsfrist: 28. Mai 2010
Die Ausschreibung richtet sich an berdurchschnittlich qualifizierte Bewerberinnen und Bewerber aus dem genannten Fachgebiet oder aus einschlgigen verwandten Disziplinen, die sich in Lehre und Forschung weiterentwickeln wollen. Weitere Informationen zu den einzelnen Fchern, zu den Bewerbungsvorausset zungen und zum Promotionsstudium finden Sie auf der Homepage der Leuphana Universitt Lneburg unter
http://www.leuphana .de/graduate- school/stipendie n
Bewerbungsschluss: 28.05.2010

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